Monday, September 20, 2010
Sign-up for the SOF Newsletter! Stay in touch with our street Acts! |
About the StandingOnFish Project
Art at your doorstep. You are the artist. You are heard!
What? StandingOnFish is a community blog-on-the-street art project based in Bangalore, India. It's a blog that allows everyone to SMS or email in their poems, thoughts, reactions to instantly publish at the SOF Blog.
How? You can SMS2Blog: Send your SMS to (+91)9986336929. Start your sms with b(space)soft(space) and put in your thoughts, poems and whatever you feel strongly about. Put in your name at the end or choose to remain anon.
For example your sms would read: b soft i love this idea! - archana
We'll send you a thankyou SMS as soon you SMS posts up at the SOF Blog
Act NOW: We stage a series of 'acts' that have artists in their element performing, creating and simply having a super fun time on the streets of bangalore. And everyone can join in! Anything you share with us by posting via SMS to our blog or participating in our StreetActs, we'll eventually put it back out on the streets, on billboards, at checkouts queues, at malls. Your words will be read. Art at every doorstep. Blog-on-every-street!
Why? To create public awareness of creative means of self-expression. To involve the public in a live community art project that aims to create installations in public spaces by the people and for the people and to question the lack of public spaces for such activities and art installations.
Previous Posts
- StandingOnFish Photos
- dancing on the street
- dancing-on-the-street
- Clowning-on-the-street
- act-on-the-street...join us while we clown around :)
- words-on-the-street
- words-on-the-street this there
- graffiti blocks the street
- sculpture? painting? graffiti? sunday on-the-stree...
- 45 meters of painting on the pavement